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Thermoelectric Elements and Materials

Since 1998 Crystal Ltd. has been producing thermoelectric elements of different cross-section and height. A unique technology allows growing the plates of thermoelectric material with defined width that forms one of the sizes of thermoelectric element (dice, pellet). It requires further only two cutting operations to form element’s length and height. In result the elements have exact geometric dimensions.

An improved method of electro-erosive cutting technology is used to cut plates of thermoelectric material into elements with high accuracy of geometric dimensions and high quality of the surface after cutting.

Taking into consideration the above-mentioned features of thermoelectric elements, the several Ni-based coatings have been developed to use the elements for assembling the modules used in various applications. Crystal Ltd’s own mass-production factory manufactures a wide range of thermoelectric modules in practically any necessary volumes.

All elements have the barrier antidiffusion coating fully compatible with RoHS requirements and modules assembling processes using lead-free solders.

Crystal Ltd. offers at the market a wide range of thermoelectric elements (based on Bi2Te3 solid solutions) and modules both for cooling and power generation. An original patented technology of thermoelectric material crystallization from a liquid melt in a flat cavity provides thermoelectric elements (TE) with a crystalline structure oriented strictly along direction of current providing a unique combination of thermoelectric and mechanical properties. The special methods of barrier multilayered Nickel and Molybdenum coatings deposition in vacuum also provide outstanding lifetime and thermal stability of elements and modules.

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Thermoelectric Elements

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